Fugliette Fugis And how could that possibly go wrong
I kind of love Juliette Lewis.
I mean, yes. She’s wearing tights under the world’s snuggest pair of formal shorts and a shirt last seen on a particularly emo 19th century vampire, but she seems SO PLEASED about it. Plus, you know that if you stuck in an elevator with her, you’d have a good time. You’d probably emerge from the lift with a contract to sing back up in her band. And how could that possibly go wrong?
I mean, yes. She’s wearing tights under the world’s snuggest pair of formal shorts and a shirt last seen on a particularly emo 19th century vampire, but she seems SO PLEASED about it. Plus, you know that if you stuck in an elevator with her, you’d have a good time. You’d probably emerge from the lift with a contract to sing back up in her band. And how could that possibly go wrong?