I think all the celebrities are as zonked and thankful it’s Friday as I am — it feels a lot like scraping the barrel today in terms of finding really nutrageous fug. As it is, I’m left to ponder whether Juliette Lewis’s coat is secretly fabulous, or faintly mangy and confusing.

[Photo: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com]
You have to admire a giant fur coat that appears to have sprouted feathers. It almost looks like it’s going through puberty, and is well on its way to becoming a pimply, bratty, closed-off adolescent jacket that slams the door of its closet and refuses to speak except in surly grunts, before finally maturing into an adult coat that knows how to boil an egg and balance a checkbook and get its driver’s license.

Although from the back it looks more full-grown:

[Photo: FlynetOnline.com]
Seriously, does that thing have a toupe?