Yesterday and Today i think everyone got their first glimpse of Spring. Daffodils are growing and the sun is out , lets hope it lasts. I would like to thank everyone who entered my Topshop Unique SS11 giveaway and you can still enter HERE. HERE and HERE you have nothing to lose so you may aswell !  I also want to thank all my new followers and everyone who commented on my last post. I wasnt expecting so many great comments ! o yea Topshop Flash sale started today and I decided like I always do to spoil myself ! some really great bargains so check it out ! the mustard coloured shawl thing i was wearing in one of my recent post is now down to £10 !

And dont forget to enter my giveaway here if you like. o yea i also hit my first 100 followers , I know its not a lot to many but its a mile stone to me and lets hope it grows. I also picked up this vintage blue bag or £2.00 ! bargain !