Heya everyone . Hello to all my new followers and thanks to everyone who has entered the giveaway. giveaway will be announced on the 31st of March . You can still enter HERE so check it out ! Thank god it was payday yesterday ! Never been so glad to see it coming !I ordered some great stuff last week which arrived yesterday and I also got some new things yesterday . Cant wait to show you them all ! I also realized today that a pair of blue jeans I got in ZARA it turns out I bought the kids pair. great one Megan ! This post today is a casual one and I realized also that I hate taking pictures outside at night. dont think it does the clothes the justice they deserve !

I got this dress yesterday in Primark for £15 and i love he tutu feel to it ! I also got this clock chain in Topman , this is where I got the title to my post and yea apparently the clocks go back. really random i know lol