F(X) Amber
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F(X) Amber
Original message:
ㅎㅎ 현아가 사진 찍으라고 하니까 싫다고 못하네요 ㅋㅋㅋIn English:
ㅎㅎ Hyunah said to take the photograph but she can’t ㅋㅋㅋ
2NE1 Dara
Original message:
렌즈인줄 알았죠????? 이거 렌즈모양의 머그컵이지~~~롱!!! 히히히!!! 근디 많은분들이 맞추셨네요! 완젼 똑똑해!!!ㅠ.ㅠ 나중에 랙잭이들 만나게 되면 우리사진이 있는 니콘 화일을 선물로 주겟어요! ^_^ 그거 완전 귀여워요! 안파는거에요!ㅋㅋ득템!!!In English:
It’s a lens glass, see????? It’s a lens shaped cup~~~!!! Hehehe!!! But it fooled a lot of people! Totally smart!!!ㅠ.ㅠ When we meet BlackJacks later, we’ll take pictures together with Nikon lenses and give some away! ^_^ They’re totally cute! I won’t sell it!ㅋㅋ Special item!!!
Original message:
내가 들고있는 이것은 무엇일까~~~~~~~요?????? ^.^In English:
What’s this I have?????? ^.^
Original message:
Everybody~ clap! Happy Birthday^__^In English:
Everybody~ clap! Happy Birthday^__^
DALSHABET Subin & Ga Eun
Original message:
사랑해요 우리함께 사탕해요♥커피사탕 얄루 까아끼오 캬In English:
We all love sweets♥Coffee sweets especially, kya.
Original message:
날씨 좋은 오늘..!!! 놀러가고 싶담……..*^.^*In English:
Weather’s great today..!!! Want to go out and play……..*^.^*
RAINBOW Jae Kyung & Seung Ah
Original message:
뽀글뽀글잉In English:
Original message:
촬영중이예요!♥ 오랜만에 생머리를하고..!청순청순컨셉인데..어떤가용?!’0′!!In English:
During filming!♥ It’s been ages since I’ve had this kind of hair..! It’s a pure concept..what do you think?!’0′!!
Original message:
멍~In English:
Original message:
BIGBANG 태양형의 24번째 생일을 진심으로축하합니다^^ 그리고사랑합니다 -막내 승리가-In English:
BIGBANG Taeyang hyung’s 24th birthday celebration^^ And I love you -Maknae Seungri-
Original message:
BIGBANG JAPAN LOVE&HOPE tokyo afer party 中 일본의 유명개그맨 타노싱고로부터 V.I가 여성이입는 티를 선물받는 장면 JAPAN THANK UIn English:
BIGBANG JAPAN LOVE&HOPE tokyo afer party 中 *A gift from a famous gagman?* JAPAN THANK U
Original message:
이번pass뮤비티져찍으면서쉬는타임에 울베빙광희랑&베이비쭈랑합정힐즈파파라치3탄!!!!시리즈글고 여긴어디!? 바로 화장실합정힐즈 패셔니스타들음 어디에서 찍어도 화보가된다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아웃겨ㅋㅋ다음엔합정힐스 4탄 시리즈도 기대해주쎄용!!In English:
This PASSDuring some free time while shooting the movie, Baby J and Kwanghee came togetherHapjeong Hills paparazziSeries 3!!!! Writing the series!? Right in the bathroom Hapjeong Hills paparazzi came make a shoot anywhereㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋFunnyㅋㅋ Wait for the fourth instalment!!
Original message:
오늘은 봉사하는중~~할머니할아버지들과 함께 즐거운시간을보내고있따어르신분들에게 배식도해드리고 깔끔하게 설거지도마무리로~끝잠깐쉬는시간에바람쐬러나왔따가 할머니와수다삼매경중~~~ㅎㅎㅎㅎ신난다아~드디어끝~오늘하루즐겁고아주뜻깊은하루였습니다In English:
While serving today~~ I had a great time with the grandmother and grandfathers Dining with elders Washing dishes when finished~ Finished A moment resting with grandmother Concentrating on chatting~~~ㅎㅎㅎㅎ Delightful~ Finally finished~ Today will also be a joyful day