Apparently, I am indecisive today.
Much as I was with Mariska Hargitay before her, I am of two minds about ELP here. (1) I’m sure that, in person, the detail work on this dress is amazing. (2) But she might look a bit shapeless and washed out. (3) But texturally, it’s really interesting. (4) Although there’s something about it that reminds me of a pile of window treatment samples come to life. (5) I think she needs a bracelet. (6) Never mind, she’s wearing one. (7) I know this might an unpopular opinion, but I think ELP is actually really good on Desperate Housewives. Although I don’t watch it anymore. (8) This also kind of looks like low shag carpet. (9) I’m sure 4 out of 10 readers just made a “shag” joke to themselves. (10) Apparently, I am of more than two minds about this.