Well, well, well.

What have we here? The dress is very pretty — it’s a little bridesmaidal, sure, but the color is very flattering and I love the hem. And the shoes? The shoes are cute. But….the hat. Or…the ribbon. Or the….whatever the thing is she’s got on her head.  Oy.
I know she was at a derby, and people wear fancy hats at a derby and I am not only fine with that, I love it. A good hat! A good hat is divine! A good hat is more fun than a pony keg at a tailgate!
But this is not a good hat. I’m not even sure it’s technically a hat. It does, however, look like something Eva Longoria may have stolen from Minnie Mouse’s milliner. In fact, Eva Longoria sort of even looks like Minne Mouse. No, seriously:

And considering the fact that ABC is owned by Disney, and I’ve never seen the two of them in the same room together….well, frankly, I am sort of freaking myself out now.