vintage skirt, forever 21 boots, american apparel bodysuit, vintage coin necklace, vintage rings, vintage belt

my boyfriend and i don't take part in any easter festivities... so we spent the day taking his dog for a walk, eating vegan chinese food, watching the new disney movie "african cats" (yes, i laughed, cried, and covered my eyes like a 4 year old), and went on one of our famous aimless drives leading us to somewhere beautiful, as per usual. we somehow always manage to find completely hidden areas, sneak into private breathtaking beaches with waterfalls, or stumble upon gorgeous places like the vast open field pictured above. although we aren't fond of easter, i couldn't resist busting out this absolutely perfect vintage skirt for the day, as i looked like a walking missioni easter egg, if such a thing existed. this skirt isn't missoni, but the incredible chevron pattern, flawless crisp pleating, and perfect sheerness makes me feel as if this were a very pricey skirt at one time. my boyfriend and i were both utterly shocked at how girly i looked, as i never wear skirts, let alone frolic around in fields whilst wearing them. all in all, it was a perfectly whimsical and romantic day.