-vintage lace up shorts cut from pants $15, vintage tank $2, vintage boots $9, a shit ton of amazing vintage/mexican jewelry found at a little stand in the middle of the mountains for dirt cheap, boyfriend's sunglasses, vintage purse $16
okay, so my boyfriend and i are animal obsessed. i mean it. the rare times that we watch television, we ONLY watch national geographic or animal planet (well actually, we've watched housewives of orange county a few times because it's funny to hear him scream at the girls on tv). we point out every single animal that we pass on the street while walking or driving. we stop and talk to people's dogs. i made up a game about naming animals, which involves naming them after famous musicians or authors such as: a cat named Mick Jaguar, a horse named Paul McCartneeeigh, a deer named Fawn Lennon... you get the idea, right? we're crazy.
anyway, on saturday we took a drive 45 minutes out of town to go to the Sierra Cat Haven. it's a little place up in the hills owned by a man who loathes zoos, and houses the most beautiful endangered cats who were born in captivity, so they're unable to live in the wild. this guy has a very strange and unbelievable bond with his cats (including but not limited to tigers, cheetahs, and lions). if he calls them, they come running and will throw themselves on him in the most loving way i've ever seen. this place is truly amazing- all of the employees are volunteers, meaning that almost all of the money goes straight to preserving these beautiful endangered animals. i could go on and on and ON about how SICK it makes me that human encroachment has killed off so many incredible species, and how i think we humans are the most disgusting, selfish, horrid species in existence (obviously), but then my true animal rights activist side will show through and might scare you off... so i'll stop here. you should definitely check out the Sierra Cat Haven website, donate if you're able, or just to look at super cute cat pictures. here are some photos i took of the cats: