*vintage tshirt (that i'm convinced was made JUST FOR ME) that i cut the sleeves off of because apparently i'm offended by sleeves, vintage high waist faded black skinny jeans, UO hat, vintage jewelry

snapped a few photos this morning when i got to the studio... i walked in and fell totally in love with it all over again, for some reason. i think i've been too busy and stressed to appreciate it lately, but this morning definitely changed that- i have SO MUCH to do in there to get it all set up... it's a bit overwhelming, but exciting nonetheless.


i spent the afternoon with madeline- she bought me lunch because she's just that sweet. we've been working on something that we are both so stupidly excited about that it's hard not to blab about it yet. since i don't have a table for meetings yet, i spread out my favorite blanket and we had a picnic/meeting that resulted in me rolling on the floor with laughter, both of us demeaning our abilities to edit, fondling leopard print fabric, and the mutual understanding of an infatuation with nude mesh.


and last but not least, some new crystallized listings are up. more will be coming in the next few days!