There is something endearing about the fact that Gwen Stefani has an item of clothing she loves so much, she keeps wearing it no matter how many years ago she first clutched it to her red-lipsticked bosom and begged it not to ruin the moment with a lot of talk.
Tragically, that item is this pair of white footless tights. They’re distracting me from this suit, which much of the Internet — if our Inbox is to be believed — found to be a crime against stripes, lapels, the baby clothes that are clutched to it, and the Coca-Cola name. Me, I find it oddly fun, as if she made it out of an old pair of Gavin’s pajamas, rolled it up, put it under her pillow with a photo of Joan Collins, and then woke up and found it was finally was done cooking. But maybe that’s just because I love pajamas and Joan Collins.