If Amanda Bynes is proud of her legs, then hooray for her — seriously, enjoy the lack of cellulite while it lasts, kid, because Mother Nature is mean and cranky and someday she will spank you with her dimpled paddle.
Evidently she is equally proud of her crotch, given that she seems hell-bent on trying to show it to everyone (don’t worry, this is safe for work):
[Photo: Splash News]
HONEY. We live in a society. You have to be careful how you stretch when you’re in a tiny micro-mini, and you have to be doubly mindful when you are standing on a staircase and anyone down below can look up and immediately write a 100,000-word thesis on your waxing habits. Does NO ONE in Hollywood offer up a seminar to young actresses on how to keep their vaginas under wraps? She got lucky here, but it’s only a matter of time.
You know, her birthday is coming up — can someone at least make sure she receives lots of underwear?