Okay. I mean, a) UGH. Right? Let’s get that out of the way. Ugh to this entire undertaking. I think I’ve ranted here before — more than once, and probably at length — about how I actually prefer Playboy to Maxim. Because at least Playboy is like, “hell yeah, there’s nudity in here. And the articles are good.” Whereas Maxim is sort of “tee-hee, you guys, boobies! READ ABOUT BEER” about the whole thing, which makes it kind of feel like it’s been edited by a team of sophomore boys. Also, it has a tendency to run about six articles a year about how to talk a woman into having sex with you when she’s kind of not feeling it (probably due to how you’re reading Maxim all the time), which is totally the lad mag equivalent of girl magazine articles about how to finagle an engagement ring out of your commitment-shy man, as though getting someone to nail/marry you via weird psychological finaglings and mind-altering amounts of Axe Body Spray is a legitimate victory, which it is not. Anyway, it appears Team Bynes has a plan, because Amanda here was on the cover of Cosmo last month, and everyone knows that Maxim is Cosmo for dudes. But I actually just have a question, and that question is: what is going on here? She is taking off her sweater (of course) by shimmying out through the neckhole (…okay), but she refuses to take her hands out of her pockets (huh?). Does she think that thing’s just a skirt with arms? Or is her “weirdest secret (p. 62)” that she’s in an obscure sect of Never Nudes that employs cozy v-necks in the place of cut-offs?