LEIGHTON: Hey, everybody! Hi! We love our fans!
BLAKE: Watch Gossip Girl!
LEIGHTON: And don’t blame B here for this!
BLAKE: What do you mean, L?
LEIGHTON: Well, I’m just saying, you didn’t do this to yourself. Last season, you were put in a bunch of unflattering clothes, and now this season you’re in some shorts that are hitting you in an awkward spot.
BLAKE: What? They’re Daisy Dukes!
LEIGHTON: Daisy Pukes.  If you’re going to go short, please at least make it look right.
BLAKE: Well, at least my tights don’t fight with my dress.
LEIGHTON: Is that the best you have, sweetie?
BLAKE: Um… your dress looks like you were shot in the gut with a glitter grenade?
LEIGHTON: Better, but not accurate, because it’s funky. So let’s be honest: I still win.
BLAKE: And I still have these legs.
LEIGHTON: … Okay, it’s a tie.