Limit And Limit
Outfit Details:
Chambray Rebecca Dress - c/o Fischer
Foley + Corinna Mid-City Tote - c/o Foley + Corinna
On a sheer day top - c/o ModCloth
platforms - Aldo
bracelets - Forever 21, Rebecca Minkoff, vintage
Those of you who follow me on twitter or facebook have already seen them (I'm bad at surprises) but here are the new frames I picked up at my appointment with LensCrafters! I went in there with a pretty open mind but was pretty sure I would leave with something very different than these. I tried on several pairs but ultimately decided to go with something bold and bright. Since I already have a pair of black frames and they graciously fitted my brown vintage frames with my prescription, I figured I might as well go with something different. I've been loving the variety. Glasses are fun! Unlike braces, which I also wished for and ended up not loving as much. I hated my retainer even more, which is why I have crooked teeth but I digress.
Naturally, the first time I wore my new glasses, I paired them with a bunch of matchy-matchy items from my wardrobe because that's exactly what you're not supposed to do. Oh, they're reddish coral? I'll see that and raise you a matching shirt, bag, lipstick, nails and bracelet. I'm also that girl who listens to songs on repeat, so don't expect me to practice moderation. You're lucky I'm not wearing 50+ bracelets right now, because five year old me wore so many bracelets I had to walk with my arms held out. I broke up the colors with that little chambray dress by Fischer - an independent and local label I love. The designer sent Bobby and me a beautiful package of her designs and I have been wearing both this dress and this shirt a lot. I love classics that I can wear over and over. I can't wait to see what's in store for them in the near future!