Blonde on BlondeBlonde on Blonde
Blonde on Blonde

Håret var en lögn, och peruker är antagligen det bästa Marie Antoinette och 1700-tals fjollorna förbrukade under dagsrutinen kallad "mode". Jag är visserligen smått förälskad i strutsfjäderihåret-modet som kom på lite senare år i Versailles, gillar strutsar överhuvudtaget. En levande boll på två ben är ju menat att älskas.
Leggings fick jag av Moa, och tröjan kan man köpa HÄR
Målning av Magritte.
The hair was a lie, and wigs are probably the best thing Marie Antoinette and the other high society people during that era used as the daily routine called "fashion". Just a few steps behind that, I love the ostrichfeathersinthehair-trend which came to Versailles a bit later. I like Ostriches generally. A living Pom-pon on two legs were meant to be loved.
Calavera Swimsuit-Search and Destroy (12 clams)
High Waisted Jeans-Udelcos (5 clams)
Thumb Holster-DIY
Tribe Cuff-WAGA
ZZOMGGGGGGGGGG I've been itching to wear this one piece for the LONGEST TIME. The weather's been kinda ruff in Brooklyn...Been raining all week, but then Mr. Sun decided to shed some rays on us. It's been so awesome!!
Anywhos, this one piece was something I bought last summer and I just chucked it in the back of my closet and I recently came across it when I was digging for some summer clothes. I love love love the calavera on black and I love how the eyes rest beneath my ta ta's lol.
I can't tell you guys enough how awesome Search and Destroy is. You'll find all sorts of eclectic pieces there and if you're lucky you might be able to snag your very own calavera one piece...ON SALE.. Bam Bam Bammmmm. I visit there every few weeks just to see what they have or just chill out there and enjoy the scenery. As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, don't let the beheaded baby doll heads freak you out. They have some grotesque props set up in this store but its hella cool. The creative direction in this store seriously makes me have eyegasms every time I set foot in there and they change it up every so often. That baby with the tiger hat riding...........well........yeah..........It's fairly new. Whenever you're around St. Marks, stop by! It's worth the visit!
Combine with a necklace and off the shoulder dress denim makes me feel really good.The reunion went perfectly after that. Thanks for your article wise suggestions and I highly recommend you to try this dress out as well!
"Combine with a necklace and deep red long dress makes me feel really good.The reunion went perfectly after that.I highly recommend you to try this dress out as well!"