For this week’s model du jour, we thought it best to come down from last week’s Charlotte Free pink peak and switch gears to a raven-haired beauty that’s simply been shining at Fall 2011 shows. We speak of 21 year old Tara Gill. The Canadian beauty opened for Proenza Schouler two weeks ago at NYFW, and we’re just loving her strong command of the runway.

To Jessica @5:53 no but you've gotta share her with me--and I'm old enough that I shouldn't even have crushes anymore. But she just makes me smile whenever I see her--damn the fashionistas (no not really TLo, you have your job to do and you do it well). I agree with those who said that while the first outfit wasn't right for coordination it was so SUESSS!
slb _\,,/
Oh, and the full skirts on both outfits, while not always perfect for her work so well when she is sitting on steps in front of a bunch of kiddos! Loose, comfortable, modest.
These boots are different than her previous outings, no? These one appear to be flat, while I remember the other ones having heels.
I love love love the second look, and I hope she wears it again, but given the situation I'd give her a pass on the first (while agreeing with you guys that the skirt is fab and the shirt a bit too distracting). Funnily enough, I love hot pink and orange. I think Jackie Kennedy had something summer-y in those shades and it became very popular for a while when I was a kid. But for some reason it doesn't work well here.
The best fashion accessory though? Her thousand kilowatt smile. I've said it about others in the past, too -- a smile that exudes confidence and happiness makes any clothing look terrific. Or at least a lot better.
So sorry, but there are infinitely more important questions here than what Mrs. Obama is wearing. Since this is a bi-lingual school, was any of the Dr. Suess translated into Spanish and, if so, HOW? Sure, most of the words are simple English, but would it really be possible to replicate the rhymes without which Seuss would not be Suess?
And the first outfit was awful and the second was better. But seriously: Suess. It's sacred.
I like the idea of the top paired with that skirt, but i think it should have been in a more vibrant up-scale shade.
and p.s. on an unrelated note- is TLo still covering Glee? because i've been dying to hear your reaction to the last episode!
I'm a fan neither of the FLOTUS nor her 'fashion' - but these I like! Agreed the 1st top is a little cheapy but she tried to coordinate it using the pin. It is I think very flattering to her bustline and shows her pretty neck. It's teachery looking in a neat way. Agreed the orange skirt isn't for the hippy, but presumably she was seated a lot and it is both stylish and comfy looking. Also no belt. Always good for her.
The second outfit is just a total winner. She looks young, carefree, and hip without being any fuss. It's a great shape, forgiving color because it doesn't make any special statement competing with the other reader, and totally appropriate for what she's doing. For once her boots are both great looking and matched to the outfit! She hit it right twice - go go go!!!