Ken® has recently got back together with his other half Barbie just in time to celebrate their 50th
Anniversary. Mattel have tapped the likes of Cassette Playa and Gareth Pugh to design outfits for Ken® and now AMBUSH® offer up their contribution to the celebration, ‘CHOGO-Ken’. Putting the iconic figure in a vintage Japanese toy robot body, Yoon has decorated the hand painted body with brands motifs including the AMBUSH® ‘Eyez’ as buttons the brand logo as a belt and a trademarked ‘POW’ fist. Limited to just 25 pieces, CHOGO-Ken goes on sale March 7th at Colette in Paris where Verbal and Yoon will DJ a an even to celebrate the occasion. We wish Mattel would make a limited run of 100 so we could get one!