Have yourself a merry little sweater contest with our friends over at Chictopia! Only three days left to submit a photo of you in your favorite holiday sweater. The key is location, location, location, so quit the reindeer games and get styling! Winners will not only receive a $100 F21 gift card, but will also be featured right here on the Skinny in their season’s bests. Here’s a sneak peek at the competition. This holiday sweater business is serious.

Can’t get enough of the sartorially gifted gals pictured above? See their contest entries and read their personal blogs here: (Clockwise from top left:) Kailtyn Isabella chictopia and blog, Laura Ellner’s chictopia and blog, Rock Paper Vintage’s chictopia and blog, Coury Combs’chictopia and blog, Akiko Senda’s chictopia and blog, and last but not least, Dirty Halo Hair’s chictopia and blog.
Can’t get enough of the sartorially gifted gals pictured above? See their contest entries and read their personal blogs here: (Clockwise from top left:) Kailtyn Isabella chictopia and blog, Laura Ellner’s chictopia and blog, Rock Paper Vintage’s chictopia and blog, Coury Combs’chictopia and blog, Akiko Senda’s chictopia and blog, and last but not least, Dirty Halo Hair’s chictopia and blog.