NEWS Hey everybody, hope you had a great tuesday : today I am finally able to let you now a great official news that I am highly excited about. I have been for a few weeks now spending time in Zurich because of the Miss Switzerland competition in which I am taking part. It is, I think, a great experience for any young girl living in swiss. I feel deeply attached to this country and many of my familly and friends encouraged me to take part in this new project. So I really hope you guys will support me in this and you can of course check me as a candidate by CLICKING HERE.

Many of you asked me what language do I speak : well my language is french. I was willing in the first place to write my blog posts in french but I really wanted that the access to my blog was made internationaly and most of us today have basics knowledge of english. I  do speak german and also russian. So of course perhaps you won't be able to read my interviews as most of them are in german but here is the first miss swiss publication in the ''schweizer illustrierte''.

Guys I have just read all your sweet comments, most of the time I feel like such of a lazy blogger but you just can't immagine how great it feels to have so much support. It means a lot to me. So thank you, danke, merci and cпасибо to all of you folks! You are way to cool ;)
I will of course keep you updated with the competition wich will take place in september, it is actually the reason why I am leaving for Zermatt next week.