*vintage open knit tank, american apparel high waist shorts, vintage leopard slip ons, vintage bag with DIY beaded skull, flea market sunnies, vintage belt, american apparel neon pink bikini.
still in denial that my mini-vacation is over. i could have used ONE more day of walking aimlessly around sleepy beach towns, being covered in sand and salt water, and getting back to my hippie roots. my boyfriend and i drove down to san diego late on friday night, and woke up at 7am the next morning to explore all the seaside towns- namely encinitas, leucadia, solana beach, mission beach, and imperial beach. so crazy that i've lived in california my entire life and this was the first time i spent a weekend exploring all of these lovely and insanely beautiful places as an adult. my sister used to live in san diego, so i have a fond memory of taking the train to see her when i was 16 years old, listening to incubus while the sun was setting over the ocean, getting my bellybutton pierced in hillcrest, watching planes land at the airport from her balcony... it's almost unreal how beautiful of a place it is. so many times i found myself reminded of san francisco, santa cruz, and hawaii... all in one city.
so i wore this for the entire first day (hence the wicked panty-line, i was wearing my bikini bottoms underneath). i LIVE in this tank in the summer- i love literally everything about it, from the color to the open knit. and this bag... oh this bag. i found it about 2 hours before we left to san diego at one of my all time favorite vintage shops for 16 bucks. i immediately knew that i wanted to attach francis (the skull) onto it, as he's been looking very lonesome and unloved on the dashboard of my car lately. i purchased this skull at the flea market about 3-4 years ago, named him francis, and he's been everywhere from hanging on my rearview mirror to hanging from ceiling fans in my apartments to now adorning my favorite purse. i added some beads to tie him in with the rest of the bag... and now i'm COMPLETELY obsessed with it. you won't be seeing me carry anything else for awhile.
okay, i think i've rambled quite enough. see what a whole weekend without internet does? jeeze. time to go feast on cheesecake and coffee with my beautiful friend michelle.
ps, fellow bloggers: isn't it strange that people who you really don't want in your life can still read your blog and basically stay up to date on your current affairs? it's been weirding me the fuck out lately. one of the many down sides of having a "public diary". creepy.