Yesterday I completed my last day of college ever. Of course I still
have a few presentations left before graduation day, but no more class.
Pardon me if I am being a bit dramatic, but the reality of it all has
set in. In a week I move back to Dallas, then in a week after that I
move to Philly! I surely will miss this little college town that has
treated me so well the past few years. Small, quaint, and filled with
natural beauty. It is literally impossible to go a day without seeing
someone you know here. I have always found some sort of indescribable
comfort in that. But as it is, I am a person that cannot stay in one
place for too long. Change is good and the excitement that it brings
reminds me of all the adventures I have to come.

Anyways, about the outfit! I am pretty sure that I have become slightly
obsessed with long, flowy skirts. You can sit however you want in them,
not worry about the wind creating a little peep show, and best of all
prance around like a character in a fairy tale. Yes, the prancing part
is totally something I do. I am especially smitten with this ditzy floral
one from

Well I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!