TREND ACCESSORI// statement required
If a gent should wear his underwear as outerwear you can be certain that he's either Superman, dressed as Superman, or potentially insane. Not so for women who, when it comes to underwear, have a distinct advantage. So many of the finer, statement garments are just begging to be shown off, and each allows the wearer to indulge in what we've dubbed lingerie as outwear. To be certain, not every piece of lingerie is appropriate for a public showing, but flick through look books from lingerie houses such as Absolutely Pom and you'll see that failing to give particular pieces a public showing would be bordering on the criminal.

While putting together their spring / summer 2011 collection, Absolutely Pom appear to have been intrinsically aware of this fact. Hence lace meets satin in many a body suit and slip that are just begging to be paired summer shorts and retro skirts.