As many as you know, I will be attending both Copenhagen & Stockholm Fashion Weeks in the next few days.
I cant tell you how excited I am, not only because I have never been in either place, but because Scandinavian style is my main inspiration and yeah, I am pretty much obsessed with all things Scandinavian, so this will be such an amazing experience.
Many of you will be wondering; What's up with Andy, has she gone crazy and thats why she is wearing a sweater in the middle of summer? and the answer is; Its not me who is going crazy, its the Dutch weather, who very often likes testing my intolerance for low temperatures.
Como muchos de ustedes ya saben, en los próximos dias me voy a Copenhague y a Estocolmo a las Semanas de la moda.
Estoy que me muero de la emoción, sin exagerar y no solo es por que nunca he estado ahí, sino por que el estilo Escandinavo es mi mas grande inspiración y ultimamente me encuentro enamorada y obsesionada con todo lo que tiene que ver con Escandinavia.
Muchos de ustedes se preguntaran; ¿Que le pasa a Andy?, ¿Se volvio loca y por eso trae un suéter a medio verano? y la respuesta es: No, no me he vuelto loca, es este clima Holandés al que de repente y a medio verano se le ocurre probar mi intolerancia al frio.