(Isosceles necklace, LF lace top, vintage Levi's shorts, Topshop boots and jacket)
We became fixated upon the idea of a picnic around 2 o'clock this day, and by the time a comforter had been sourced at Target (apparently picnic blankets are seasonal even in California and had just stopped being stocked..of course) and we'd ransacked Trader Joe's and 7-11 for seaweed, orange juice, champagne, trail mix, and nachos for the males, the sun was verging on non-existent. I grabbed my Topshop coat from the car after a while and we hung out for a couple hours and just talked. And wore our new headgear. Scored this wolf hood for $25 at some random store on Hollywood Blvd. while shopping for Halloween costumes - worth every penny for its ability to balance out freezing in a completely sheer top.