Vintage shirt and belt. Kasil pants. Forever 21 flats.
Have been too swamped from early morning to late night every day this week to post these pictures from last Sunday, which was probably the last day I felt relaxed and apparently thought it was a good idea to straighten my hair for the day. The bittersweet epiphany of my strange enjoyment of having straight hair took me back to high school when I begged my mom to get it permed. Soooo glad she convinced me that having naturally wavy was somewhat covetable. But, my poor hair has been worn straight almost every day this week. Gotta use some sort of moisturizer or whatever hair needs.
Pretty eventful week consisting of having long dinner conversations with one of my best friends on a random weekday, stealing pretty pink flowers to throw in a jar of water at home, whipping my hair back-and-forth to Christine djing and Fartbarf performing, ensuring I vicariously live through all my drunken friends as the DD, meeting a bunch of people I constantly email but have never met face to face (hi Elizabeth, Ryann, and Logan!), suffering the aftermath of a jalapeno margarita, snuggling with the office dog who I taught how to ‘lay’ and ‘sit’, giggling over Modern Family re-runs after a late night rendezvous, and playing catch up on all the school work I’ve missed. Seriously, can’t wait for this week to be over! Planning on going to the Huntington Library with my boyfriend this weekend as well as catching up with old friends. Happy Friday everyone and hope you all have an great weekend! xx