I’m currently in bed with a nasty cold and high fever, but I did sneak my laptop in with me (it keeps me warm after all!) so I can at least pretend to stay on top of some things… To cheer myself up, I decided to finally blog Johanna & Sven’s engagement session. There were times when it looked like this session would never happen, there seemed to be an endless amount of obstacles that forced us to reschedule more times than I can count. But a week ago the planets finally lined up in the right way and we spent a thoroughly lovely afternoon in Richmond Park.
From when we first started planning this session, Johanna was quite decided that she wanted to have a picnic, a proper picnic at that, not just a picnic theme. And boy did she go all out! I’m still craving her mouthwatering rhubarb pie and will definitely have to ask for the recipe – I really hope it’s not a family secret. I even got to sample some Belgian (yes, not Dutch like I mistakenly tweeted in my excitement after the shoot :P) raspberry beer, which was really rather nice, even to me who never ever drinks beer.
I’m so happy we finally managed to pull this shoot off, and that we had such a lovely time during it. Johanna is Finnish, Sven is Belgian and while they currently live in London, I’ll be covering their wedding in Finland next year, can’t wait!
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography

London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography
London engagement photography