Back to the neutral colors.

Wearing pantskirt from Magnolia, chiffon cardigan from Dorothy Shop and shoes from 7 Crystals.

So, first I would like to apologize since I'm gonna nag a little bit in this entry.
If you noticed, there's this anonymous person who commented on my last 2 blog posts which is quite annoying as he/she keeps commenting rubbish. From correcting grammar or word error which she/he believes I did, talking bad, saying something like I wear fake shoes and whatsoever. I don't even know what's wrong with this person, is she/he crazy, dumb, or what? 

First, this is my blog and IT IS NOT a grammar blog, so what's your freaking problem if I did a grammar or word mistake (though I believe there is a word ELDEST). Second, talking bad bout people without showing the REAL identity is not cool at all, I should say that's really pathetic (if you DARE, talk to me face to face!). And last, about the "shiny fake leather fugly shoes"? Oh yeah?? really? Well, that's your business if you think that my shoes are ugly cause I think my shoes are gorgeous and unique! and helloooo, if you don't know anything about leather thing, please just shut up before I make you embarrassed. If you don't like my blog, then don't read it! Seriously.

Fiuhhh, I'm so sorry for the nagging thing, I was just annoyed by this anonymous person since he/she couldn't stop commenting until I changed my comments setting, Oh gosh.

Anyway, have a nice weekend everyone =)