I heart Barcelona
I don't even know where to begin describing the weekend we spent in Barcelona. I've always been in love with the city but now I'm more smitten than ever before. Somehow I always knew that I'll live there one day and I can only hope that that day will come soon. Why Barcelona? It has everything I'm looking for in a hometown: very nice climate (except for this weekend :), international atmosphere, beach, amazing cuisine, closeby mountains, friendly people, beautiful architecture and plenty of cultural programs throughout the year. I have to admit that as soon as we've arrived to our beautiful Hotel Regina I teared up a little. I'm just crazy in love with the city and I was so happy to be there! :) I'm not nearly finished with editing my pictures but here are some of the photos we took on the first day frolicking around in town.
I was surprised by the amount of amazing restaurants we've seen over the weekend. Let's not talk about the amount of food we've actually ate :) but all I can say is that I've seen some of the nicest restaurants and eaten some of the tastiest food in Barcelona. The restaurants in Port Olimpic are definitely a must visit if you're in town!