FASHION ///It’s Raining, It’s Pouring! Cool Rain Gear for Kids
We all know the saying, April Showers bring May flowers…so it’s time to get the kiddos ready for spring with the freshest rain gear. Rain coats, hats, umbrellas and boots all make up a rain ensemble and the looks for kids vary as much as they do for adults. In fact, I think kids have a way better selection. They can go really cute and character-based to super high end (I’m lookin’ at you baby Burberry trench and boots!). Or, you can always keep it classic with traditional brands or the all yellow school uniform look. Whatever your child chooses, the outcome will be adorable. Check out my favorite looks for rainy weather…
And we can’t forget the tiny tots – here are some rain proof stroller accessories to keep the lil’ ones dry…
Clockwise from top left: Stroller rain cover, JJ Cole Bundleme, Stroller Umbrella