CELEBUZZ // Enfuganted
was originally resistant to the concept of Amy Adams’s new movie, Enchanted, on the grounds that it looked really corny. Then I remembered that I am really corny and will at the very least end up watching it on HBO one night and possibly crying into my kettle corn over an as-yet-unspecified moment in the movie. I mean, I cry at Whirlpool commercials, so there you go. If I do burst into tears, I will probably LONG to have A-Squared’s dress here within arms’ reach:

A bit spit-ball inspired, no? But it looks like it would be nice and soft on my nose, at the very least, and certainly it’s convenient to have what looks like 750-900 wadded up balls of Kleenex collected in one handy garment.
PS: I’m not going to make some kind of groan-inducing WHITHER YOUR GLASS SLIPPER, PRINCESS?!?! crack here, I promise, but….next time you think about going out in a creamy sack of any ilk, I would suggest maybe a metallic shoe. Less breakable than glass, less jarring than these, right?
I’m sure Amy Adams’s old school-y two piece number is all very fashion-forward, albeit in an incredibly monochromatic way:

But I can’t help it. Every time I look at her in this, I think, “shoot! That reminds me: I have to buy wrapping paper.”
A bit spit-ball inspired, no? But it looks like it would be nice and soft on my nose, at the very least, and certainly it’s convenient to have what looks like 750-900 wadded up balls of Kleenex collected in one handy garment.
PS: I’m not going to make some kind of groan-inducing WHITHER YOUR GLASS SLIPPER, PRINCESS?!?! crack here, I promise, but….next time you think about going out in a creamy sack of any ilk, I would suggest maybe a metallic shoe. Less breakable than glass, less jarring than these, right?
I’m sure Amy Adams’s old school-y two piece number is all very fashion-forward, albeit in an incredibly monochromatic way:
But I can’t help it. Every time I look at her in this, I think, “shoot! That reminds me: I have to buy wrapping paper.”