Always A Lady: Decide What’s Best for YOU
Always A Lady: Decide What’s Best for YOU
It’s that time of year when the college acceptance letters are streaming in and it’s time to decide what school to attend. For many, the decision is easy. For others, the thought of leaving family, friends and a boyfriend or girlfriend behind weigh heavy on the mind. The chance to go to your school of your dreams doesn’t come everyday – and at any age – you should be making the most of all opportunities that come your way. Going to the right school will expose you to different places, people and experiences.  For many people, the chance to go away to school is the first and only chance to see something new, live in a different city, and get a fresh start.  Whatever decision you come to should be based on what is right for you. Boyfriends and girlfriends come and go, but your education is with you for the rest of your life.  If you’re with the right person, the relationship will last regardless of distance. Do what’s best for you.