I have well and truly run out of things to say on the matter of religious-themed fashion shoots featuring sexy nuns that clutch at their cigarettes with more fervour than they do their rosary beads... That's not a criticism of said shoots - there have been some great ones. It's simply that the trend toward using religious motifs is one that has remained surprisingly strong. And so without repeating myself further on the matter, do check out this full shoot by Brian Ypperciel after the jump.
models as nuns

Click here to read 'Even more nuns'
Marlena Szoka by Benjamin Kanarek: Harpers BAZAAR China, April 2011
Marlena Szoka by Benjamin Kanarek: Harpers BAZAAR China, April 2011
Marlena Szoka by Benjamin Kanarek: Harpers BAZAAR China, April 2011
Marlena Szoka by Benjamin Kanarek: Harpers BAZAAR China, April 2011
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When it comes to creativity and passion, you can't keep a good student down; and so it is that we always await with anticipation the graduate components of Melbourne's fashion weeks. At next week's LMFF (L'Oreal Melbourne fashion festival) it's Wednesday night's National Graduate Showcase that fills the student space. With what we expect to be 12 impressive finalists and one inspiring show, this one makes our must-see list.
lmff 2011
Click here to read '5 to see: graduate showcase'