Following Vivienne Tam’s show earlier this week, the Wonder Girls hit up New York City’s Mercedez-Benz Fashion Week once again, appearing at Jeremy Scott’s runway show today which revealed the designer’s Fall 2011 collection at Lincoln Center.
The ladies also attended Scott’s spring collection show last September, enjoying seats in the front row and taking photos with the designer himself. This time around, the quintet was spotted in Jeremy Scott’s own Adidas designs yet again, sporting daring rocker looks with a twinge of flirtiness. I’m especially loving Yoobin’s hair extensions!
It was revealed that the editors of Teen Vogue that were in attendance had mentioned plans for the ladies to be featured in an upcoming issue as the quintet made their American debut.
The runway show itself was livestreamed online for viewers worldwide, and featured bright and whimsical designs drawing from a pop art, Andy Warhol-esque concept (think Superman and Coca Cola), neon raver kid hairstyles and more.
The ladies also mentioned plans to attend the Anna Sui show this evening at 6PM, so be on the look out for more photos!
Source: Twitter, PatrickMcMullan, Freshnessmag
Tip: ayasan