Unfug It Up: Audrina Patridge 2011
My friend Marissa and I have had the same discussion several times over the last few months, and it is this: Is it possible to wear over-the-knee boots without looking like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman?
She says yes; I am more doubtful. Let’s use Audrina here as a handy visual aid to illustrate both sides of that argument. From the front, to my way of thinking, she does not look as though she’s practicing the world’s oldest profession. She might be considering it, sure, but she hasn’t pulled that trigger. And who hasn’t been there, am I right, ladies? Ladies? Hey, you guys? Fine. But you hear me: it’s saucy, but not SAUCY. It’s sexy, but not SEX-Y. It’s SEXY, but not… full-on PROSTITUTION-Y.
Let’s look at it from the back:
If this dress — which I actually kind of like, theoretically — had a full back, I feel like we’d be in business. But the low back, plus those boots, plus the fact that my hair looks just like this right now and I’ve barely had my coffee and haven’t gone anywhere near it with a comb, makes me feel a tiny bit as though this whole look is what we at GFY HQ call A MISTAKE.
She says yes; I am more doubtful. Let’s use Audrina here as a handy visual aid to illustrate both sides of that argument. From the front, to my way of thinking, she does not look as though she’s practicing the world’s oldest profession. She might be considering it, sure, but she hasn’t pulled that trigger. And who hasn’t been there, am I right, ladies? Ladies? Hey, you guys? Fine. But you hear me: it’s saucy, but not SAUCY. It’s sexy, but not SEX-Y. It’s SEXY, but not… full-on PROSTITUTION-Y.
Let’s look at it from the back:
If this dress — which I actually kind of like, theoretically — had a full back, I feel like we’d be in business. But the low back, plus those boots, plus the fact that my hair looks just like this right now and I’ve barely had my coffee and haven’t gone anywhere near it with a comb, makes me feel a tiny bit as though this whole look is what we at GFY HQ call A MISTAKE.
What do you think? How would you fix it? Does it need fixing to begin with? Hit up the comments, dear readers.