These women just make me want to weep 2011
The chop: 'Her swinging testament to youth has gone'
Annie: 'She is one of those dreadful women who use tears as a way of drawing attention to themselves
Tears: Emotional Jennifer Lopez
Annie from London’s Premier model agency is the latest reality TV monster. She is one of those dreadful women who use tears as a way of drawing attention to themselves, of showing how much they care, as a watery illustration of how kind they are. ‘See how nice I am,’ is the message they are trying to send out. ‘Lovely me!’
Whatever the issue is — and in this case it was a 16-year-old model having a breakdown alone in New York — women like Annie are not really interested. They care only about their involvement in the drama and the effect they are having on others. We all know someone like Annie, and we all rather wish that we didn’t.
‘I’m having a little cry,’ she said, moping around like a damp stick of rhubarb. ‘I’m having another cry,’ she said five minutes later, when no one was paying attention.
She cried on the pavement, she cried in the loo, she went into a colleague’s office to ask for tissues, to make sure that he, too, knew she was crying. I’ve seen toddlers with a better sense of emotional decorum. Yes, even ones who have just filled a nappy.
Annie is one of the curdled stars of The Model Agency, a new fly-on-the-wall television series about the workings of one of the country’s top model agencies.
In one bitchy swoop, it confirmed everything bad you have ever suspected about the world of modelling. Namely that it is run by shallow, unpleasant people who treat the young models like grilled, rare meat.
Only one episode has been shown so far, but already the selfish grotesques who work at Premier make the participants in Channel 4’s My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding look like the best-behaved class on a Sunday school outing.
Premier founder and boss Carole White is the woman credited with discovering Naomi Campbell. From this showing, you can’t help but think that the pair of them deserve each other.
Carole smokes like a chimney, has skin like a kipper and doesn’t know how to work a camera. Yes, she is perfect as a modelling matriarch! Particularly as she grumbles endlessly about not being able to treat the models like commodities. ‘Your product is not a bottle on a shelf — it talks back,’ she moaned.
Yet, bad as she was, even she wasn’t a patch on Annie, the self-obsessed sobber who was in charge of New Faces — the youngest, most vulnerable models in the agency. Sensible people wouldn’t put Annie in charge of a pet mouse, but here she was, dishing out pastoral care on the telephone to a frightened teen in Manhattan.
‘I’m crying with you. I’ve cried about ten times today,’ she meeped. What a marvellous comfort she was. The young model left the agency later that day. Quelle surprise.
Every workplace has a plutonium-grade sobber, but few of them are competitive weepers, like ghastly Annie. There will always be someone who dissolves into tears at the drop of a wet teabag; that colleague or friend who meets with triumph and disaster and treats those two imposters just the same by, yes, gushing like a hot tap.
Of course, women who cry at work really let the side down. How will we ever smash the glass ceiling if it is smeared with the plopping tears of Deirdre from marketing, on another double-duct meltdown because someone laughed during her workshop on Post-It note synergy?
Yet sometimes we just can’t help ourselves. Many women cry easily and unexpectedly. It is more often a sign of anger and frustration than of weakness and frailty. And, conducted behind closed doors, it is easily forgiven.
Yet girl-tears like Annie’s, squeezed and pumped out of a hard heart for show and applause, are completely unacceptable.
Look at Jennifer Lopez, bubbling away like a hot spring on the reality TV talent show American Idol this week. Do us a favour.
‘Jenny from the Block’ is about as emotional as a housebrick. Yet here she was juicing the tear ducts when she had to turn down one contestant with a particularly tragic backstory — a 26-year-old from Illinois who was singing for his fiancée, brain damaged and confined to a wheelchair after a car accident.
‘It honestly breaks my heart to say this, but you did not make it into the top 24,’ a teary J-Lo said. Then she really broke down, thinking of how bad this was going to make her look on coast-to-coast TV.
‘I just don’t feel like I told him in the right way,’ she wailed.
Well no, Jennifer. You just ruined his life. But he’s the one who has to get over it, not you. You have the luxury of walking away.
So enough with all the tears. There are so many dreadful things happening in the world right now. Tragedies, bereavements, the awful happenstance of life.
Annie, J-Lo and everyone else reaching for the Kleenex Balsam at the slightest upset — maybe you should save your tears for something real.
For gypsies, all PR is not good PR
You have to wonder why anyone ever agrees to appear in a fly-on-the-wall documentary. It is like violence, second helpings of pudding or a drink for the road. Nothing good ever comes of them. The end is always nigh.Take My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, the jaw-dropping documentary series recently shown on Channel 4. The viewing figures were huge: more than six million people tuned in every week to watch the bizarre ritual of the flamboyant gypsy weddings, complete with zeppelin-sized bridal gowns and no-taste bridesmaids.
Yet it has provoked a Niagara of complaints from all involved onscreen. Those among us who might consider taking part in such a documentary, for reasons of narcissism, stupidity or just cold, hard cash, please take note. Many of those gypsies and travellers who were featured in the series have complained bitterly about how they were depicted.
Tradition: One of the gypsy couples
The only thing they all agreed upon was this — we are not like that! Or, alternatively, we are not like them! No one was happy. Everyone felt cheated or maligned in some way.
Except, of course, the documentary-makers themselves. They can shape and edit any footage to produce the images and story arc they wish. The entire documentary process is as malleable as fiction. Yet I can’t help but feel that the gypsies, despite their complaints, have much to be thankful for.
The examples we saw of marrying off young brides and raising uneducated girls to expect nothing more from marriage or life than endless housekeeping and childcare were passed off by C4 as a chucklesome ancient tradition. And uglier scenes involving questionable habits were swept under the carpet, out of sight.
Take last July’s wedding of gypsy Violet-Ann to Larry, which was shown in the final part of the series last week. The couple’s pink-and-white-themed reception was held in the banqueting suite at Leicester race course, where guests had a three-course banquet, a hog roast and a chocolate fountain.
Judging by the images shown on screen, everyone behaved nicely. People were using napkins and being nice to each other. Those happy and friendly travelling people! They get such a bad name, don’t they?
Yet what Channel 4 didn’t show — or even allude to — was the riot that took place at the reception later, complete with violence, food fights and general drunken mayhem. Not to mention the fact that the caterers still haven’t been paid, the chef is £4,000 out of pocket and the venue has banned the gypsies from setting foot inside the premises ever again.Yet this remarkable happening was not shown nor even mentioned: why the censorship?
The gypsies themselves continue to complain that no one trusts or likes them, and that the programmes have only made this worse.
Yet judging by what we have seen — and have not seen — many of their problems and bad reputation seem to be down to the behaviour of some of their number.
Whatever the case, be you gypsy or not, you are in big trouble when even your good PR is bad.
Jen's had a 'sell-by' dye
There comes a moment in every woman’s life when she has to put away childish things. Mini-skirts, ten-denier anything, thongs, leather trousers. You reach a certain age and new rules apply. All of a sudden, you can’t wear anything more diaphanous than a teabag. Sleeveless is out. Neon is still in — but only on your bicycle clips.There is no official warning, no date circled on the calendar. Yet all of a sudden, women of a certain age find themselves edging into mutton territory, still dressing like giddy spring lambs. And you are always the last to know you have passed a certain sell-by. Especially when the day arrives that you have to say goodbye to long hair.
Jennifer Aniston is the quintessential long-haired girl. This week, she chopped most of it off, going short with a chunky bob.
Jennifer! It is the end of days. Her swinging testament to youth has gone, replaced by something that is meant to be sophisticated and more age-appropriate. She has had a bright new colour, too. What shade of blonde is that? Nuclear Urine?
Forty-two-year-old Jennifer has said goodbye to being a girl. It can’t have been easy, but it had to be done.
Of course, there will always be some women who refuse the chop. Jerry Hall, Jilly Cooper and Vivienne Westwood are a hairy holy trinity who still get away with it — but only just. The thing is, Jerry might look much better with shorter hair, but she wouldn’t be Jerry. She is the exception that proves the mutton rule.
Jacqui's a joke...
Jacqui Smith never fails to astonish. It’s not just that she agreed to make a radio documentary about porn. Nor that she agreed to be photographed outside a sex shop in Soho like a mad old tart. It is more that she admitted she had no idea porn was so ubiquitous, and readily available on the internet.We are talking about a woman who was Home Secretary.
It makes you wonder just what she thought she was cracking down on during her (thankfully short) time in charge of law and order in this country.
They've made a muppet of you, Sam
Please SamCam, stop looking so scared of everything! I’m sure that Fashion Week must be a trial for any Prime Minister’s wife. We feel your pain at having to applaud some of the catwalk monstrosities paraded for your edification.But appearing as if you are a close relation to the permanently terrified Beaker from The Muppets is doing you no favours. It’s not a good look.
SamCam at fashion week
Beaker the muppet
There he was, just another mad despot in the rain. Haranguing the world for what seemed like hours. On and on he went, in a bleating orgy of self-justification and hubris. He looked like a cheap villain from a Batman film, and there were moments when he sounded deluded, sometimes even insane.
But enough about Julian Assange moaning about being extradited to Sweden to face allegations of rape and sexual assault. How is Colonel Gaddafi doing?