I think I spoke for everyone watching the SAGs who watched in slow-mo horror when Fug Fave Paz de la Huerta here stepped up to the mic to speak after the cast of Boardwalk Empire won Best Cast or whatever that award is called when I said on our Twitter feed, “NO. PAZ. DON’T SPEAK.”
She acquitted herself better than anticipated — I was quite concerned she was going to speak like she does on the show, in this extremely hammered baby slur, but it was basically just a mildly buzzed baby slur and nothing terrible happened. Except her makeup.
Paz de la Huerta
Bless her kooky soul and her inability to stand like a normal human being.
17th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards - Arrivals
Even this is goofy. Although I can't totally hate on the dress -- it's just hard to have a reaction to it which isn't, "Oh, Paz. That's so PAZZY of you!" Also, why is your hair so many colors and why are you wearing pantyhose?
Paz de la Huerta
Please walk around holding your statuette like this FOR THE REST OF TIME.