I am trying to decide which came first: The sack, or the lace.

I’m sure it was the sack, and that either it came with that thing attached, or she had to add it because the sack on its own wasn’t staying put.
But it’s more amusing to think that Sunrise had a lace tube top that she bought impulsively at, like, H&M, because she HAD TO HAVE IT (because obviously don’t we all?), and that it’s been sitting around her house for months on end waiting for her to find its fashion soulmate. Incidentally, it probably does not have a fashion soulmate, excepting possibly those lacy fingerless gloves Madonna used to wear. But how nice of her to try. Perhaps she isn’t insane; just a romantic.
And, this thing aside — it’s like an Ace Bandage for very fancy people — she does seem like a fun lady.

Like, how cute is this? Those kids, as they say, are all right.