
Before entering the path of art, the image of the hotgirl somewhat casual, younger. Time goes by, you know I began helping her become more beautiful and lovely lot.

After the coronation Hot Vteen contest, pictures of Midu gradually become familiar through the fashion shoots, events, MC ... Property face gentle, delicate, plus academic achievement is quite remarkable, she is much more your teen you know and love.

To see images of past and present Midu, Sam, Tim Titus, Quynh Chi and Mie see that you have made changes, how mature nhé!

If as before, people caught with images Midu young, fast chatter lately, she has more you grow and mature a lot. With the role of Lotus in the television movie "She tangled hair" is causing a fever today, seems to have escaped Midu image "a hotgirl", became a talented actor.

Quynh Chi

Over time, Tim Titus increasingly lovely, loving and knows how to make yourself more beautiful.

Towards the more mature and insightful, but compared to previous pictures of her you have not much changed.

With the advantage of looks, voice and ability to speak English pretty standard, Quynh Chi choose their own path as long MC-business than become a model or singer. Emerged from the Miss Teen, girl is now gradually matured a lot.

If you or follow Facebook's Quynh Chi, you will see very little girl on his updated information, because Quynh Chi busy to show in many places and also by family members, directions as the source income, should help her mother always told myself you have to always work hard.


Mie is a name quite "hot" in the past year. 17 years old, but she soon you have the ability to express his art. Her constant presence in your many photo teen fashion and won the highest throne of star fashion.

There is a bright face, cute smile and positive body image standard, Mie promises to become a star in the field of the arts if that continues to try and promote their strengths.