Fug The Cover: Audrina Patridge 2011
I get that whether your face looks good is totally beside the point of a Maxim cover. But come on:
This looks like it’s her a mug shot from being arrested for Public Greased-Up-Itude. Also, what’s with the veiled “empress has no clothes” insult? Usually when you invoke The Emperor’s New Clothes, you’re referring to someone who believes he or she is one thing, but who is in fact less than that. It’s only because I know Maxim that I’m confident the editors legitimately are just saying, “LOOK! BOOBS!” — otherwise, I’d take it to mean that Maxim got her naked and then decided it didn’t find her that hot or special, and is using the cover line to snark on her subtly to all its douchey dude friends. Which, gentlemen, isn’t the greatest thing to do to a girl when she’s taking off her clothes. That kind of behavior gets you a boot to the nads.
At least if you’re going to use careless literary references that are accidentally insulting, Maxim, pick a photo of Audrina’s face that doesn’t look like she’s in a police line-up, okay? Give a girl a break.
This looks like it’s her a mug shot from being arrested for Public Greased-Up-Itude. Also, what’s with the veiled “empress has no clothes” insult? Usually when you invoke The Emperor’s New Clothes, you’re referring to someone who believes he or she is one thing, but who is in fact less than that. It’s only because I know Maxim that I’m confident the editors legitimately are just saying, “LOOK! BOOBS!” — otherwise, I’d take it to mean that Maxim got her naked and then decided it didn’t find her that hot or special, and is using the cover line to snark on her subtly to all its douchey dude friends. Which, gentlemen, isn’t the greatest thing to do to a girl when she’s taking off her clothes. That kind of behavior gets you a boot to the nads.
At least if you’re going to use careless literary references that are accidentally insulting, Maxim, pick a photo of Audrina’s face that doesn’t look like she’s in a police line-up, okay? Give a girl a break.