Get the wedges and bag that make Vanessa Hudgens oh-so-cool, at Singer22!
Get the wedges and bag that make Vanessa Hudgens oh-so-cool, at Singer22!
It’s such a shame: style that speaks Brooklynese has become synonymous with plaid, Wayfarers, and high-top Chuck Taylors. What lazy lady, might I ask, decided that bohemian beauties and haute hipsters were destined to wear button-downs, flats, and those distinctively too-cool James Dean shades?

Luxe-leisure goes far beyond those Wildfox slub knits that we can’t keep our hands off of, and it starts with Vanessa Hudgens. The queen of high-class with a casual aura, Miss Hudgens’ flannel and wedge combo is proof that one can still be street-chic even when elevated 4 inches from the ground. All you need are a pair of Twelfth Street by Cynthia Vincent Luella Zip Wedge Sandals (cognac or black), the JJ Winters Suede Multi-Zipper handbag, and your boyfriend’s comfiest flannel, of course. Shop Vanessa Hudgens’ look (besides his shirt) at!