Bobby, Blow Dryers, Brooklyn & Bangs
First of all, I’m sorry I’ve been absent lately! I’ve been working hard over on Take Sunset, but I’ve missed you guys. You can always follow my me over there, if you want. And I am on tumblr too, so you can follow me there. See? Plenty of ways to be totally sick of me! But of course I can never abandon this place because, well, I have a permanent case of hair on the brain.Vidal Sassoon Salon Series Titanium Round Thermal Brush with Bobby Pins
Blow Dryers - I work from home so most of the time if I want to have wavy, crazy lady hair–just like Bobby says–it’s my prerogative. But there are some instances where I actually need to look presentable, and since I have certifiably long hair now, and it needs to be blow dried into submission. And, um, the travel hair dryer that I use isn’t really cutting it. But if I were to invest in a real blow dryer, which one should I get? There are sooo many to choose from…Vidal Sassoon Salon Series Titanium All Purpose Brush with Bobby Pins

Brooklyn Decker - Celebrity stylist Ted Gibson cut ten inches off of Brooklyn Decker’s hair, and she’s now sporting a new fresh + clean new chin-length bob. I think it makes her seem more interesting… Or maybe just more like January Jones? I do like the brighter blonde color,Mari Wig by Bobbi Boss which was done by Jason Backe. He says, “I incorporated two trends: gold tones–super hot for spring and summer! –and bold, contrasting ribbons of blonde.” He explains, “(We’re) stepping away from the monochromatic or subtle tone-on-tone looks from the last few seasons.”Bobbi Brown Creamy Color Gloss - #2 Dusk

Bangs - Speaking of celebrity hair switcheroos, Hilary Duff got bangs (again). Hilary changes her hair from time to time, so this isn’t super shocking, but it’s cute, no? And speaking of bangs, I got a trim from Rebecca at Argyle Salon and kind of of got bang-bangs again myself. They are always such a good idea in theory, but they are such a pain in the ass to style. Rebecca even said I have “challenging bangs“. (Why doesn’t that surprise me?) I’m still trying to figure out the best way to cope with my challenge. So far it involves an elaborate system of alligator clips, round brushes, combs, my minuscule hair dryer … tears… starting over…
Well, I do love a challenge.Lane172 Faux-Leather Wedge Pumps
I have questions for you! What’s your favorite hair dryer? Do you like Brooklyn Decker’s haircut? How do you style your bangs? Kisses.
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