Coury Combs, 29, Los Angeles, runs her online store (on eBay for now) and blog full time – and has many dreams for the future! She blogs over at:
We think she’s N.E.E.T. because of: her hair (platinum blonde! big fringe!) – and her mix and match of styles!
Coury Combs N.E.E.T. Blogger
What’s the meaning behind your blog’s name?
My sister and I used to play music together in my bedroom and she wrote a song called “My Treehouse” that I loved. I had a xanga that I named mytreehouse and somewhere along the way, mytreehouse was unavailable so I decided on fancytreehouse because if there’s anything better than a treehouse it’s a fancy treehouse!
Your style icons?
Mostly everyone from any era (1700s to present!) who had any kind of personal style and made whatever they wore their own. I particularly always love the 1960s and Sandra Dee, Goldie Hawn, Pattie Boyd, etc..
Coury Combs N.E.E.T. Blogger
How would you describe your style?
I recently said “What a cupcake would wear if a cupcake wore clothes” but when I said that I had definitely had a margarita. I don’t take it back, though. I love sweet colors and fabrics. I like to be comfortable too. Could I walk around at Disneyland in this outfit? Could I stroll through the forest? Good.
Coury Combs N.E.E.T. Blogger
What inspires you?
I love color. It fascinates me. Stylish films from the 60s are particularly inspiring to me at the moment.
Coury Combs N.E.E.T. Blogger
Your favorite item in your wardrobe?
I can’t play favorites because I mostly wear pieces I’m going to sell in my store. I love all my my shoes, though. I think it’s important to have really nicely made shoes. I don’t really get too attached to any of my clothes. I just love them and leave them!
How would you describe your blog?
It’s basically chronicling what I wear everyday with glimpses into my life. I love keeping my life documented because I love life so much. I don’t ever want to forget anything.
Coury Combs N.E.E.T. Blogger
What are your fashion plans for this spring?
I’m loving colorblocking pastels. I just want to pile on every pink, peach, mint,  pale yellow, and lavender item I own! I’m also trying to wear more heels. I always wear flats but I’m going to challenge myself!
Coury Combs N.E.E.T. Blogger
Clockwise from top left: Bologna Clogs $133 Chic-tique Tortoise Sunglasses $20 Printed Dress $48.99 Elletra Clutch $40 Nail Polish in ‘Leprachaun Lynch’ $14.99 A Cloche Call Hat $44.99
Coury Combs N.E.E.T. Blogger
Local Shopping Secrets:
I mostly shop online. A lot of the vintage stores in LA have this attitude that doesn’t make me feel welcome. I won’t name any of those but there’s a cute store in Echo Park called Bobbie and a cute store in Eagle Rock called Lady that are fun to check out.
Coury Combs N.E.E.T. Blogger
Online Shopping Secrets: (love the pompoms, sequin hearts, and bow headbands!), Red Velvet (darling new dress line!), Sea of Bees (the best animal jewelry!) and Adore Vintage (the dreamiest vintage!)
Follow Coury at: