SUMMER NIGHTS. Say what you want about our cold, dark, never ending winters, but you simply can’t beat Swedish summer! These long, warm, bright days that never seem to turn into night is what makes me survive the long cold winters. The fact that summer is only here for such a short time makes it even more special.
Last night was one of those magical Swedish summer nights when the sun doesn’t want to go to bed, so I decided to throw on one of my most treasured dresses by swedish designer Ida Sjöstedt. I managed to snag one of the last pieces over at 30 Cancan (who by the way have a great selection of Swedish designers), and it’s everything I hoped for and more. You can’t really see the delicate detailing on these pictures, but close up it’s breathtakingly beautiful!
Ok, enough of the Swedish propaganda, I’ll let the pictures below speak for themselves ;)

Ida Sjöstedt lace dress. Jessica Simpson platforms. Botkier bag. Pucci Sunnies.