
SUMMER LONG DRESSES Waking up and instead of wondering what cool outfit combination am I going to pull off today, taking out a long summer dress that is beautiful enough to be wearable alone, with no special accessories or garments. Just put on the dress and it's time to go. When I wear this kind of clothing I really feel summer approaching. In less than a week I am done with my second year of high school. It was a great scholar year but I am tired right now and my brain hurts a bit hehe.

Here are some other pictures we made with james on our week-end in Montreux. A lot of you aks me about the person who takes my pictures and also what camera does he use. Well James is first of all my boyfriend, we did a great team because he is highly interested in photography and does a great job by the way, and I started modelling and fashion blogging a few months ago. So great team, great love too :). Don't forget to check his facebook page, the link is below my main photo. Last thing if you already haven't took part in the asos give away you have still time to do it HERE.