(Lena & Stevie Vintage silk jacket, Forever 21 crochet top, H&M zippered skirt, Nine West sandals, vintage bag)
I've been a huge movie rat lately, thanks to discounted movie tickets and RedBox. Hours of my life wasted away. Man. But I can say that I really enjoyed "X-Men: First Class" (James McAvoy melts my heart, ohh goodness) and "The Adjustment Bureau" (finally!). Anyway, isn't this blue jacket gorgeous and perfect for a summer night? I've gotten a lot of compliments and questions as to where I got it. My friend Julie, owner of Lena & Stevie Vintage, generously gave it to me as a gift. It's just one out of the many, many lovely vintage pieces she has... go check her Etsy page out!

Six days until graduation, and already planning to partake in some cool new projects! This summer is gonna be good, and if it isn't, I'm gonna make it fabulous. Cheers to summer!