
deni, my mother.

how do i even begin to describe what a phenomenal woman my mother is?

she is, undoubtedly, the most beautiful, giving, open-minded, supportive, optimistic person that i have ever met.
i have so many memories of her driving me to school each morning, since we lived out of the school district. on some mornings, she'd wake me up by singing a little song to me. on special mornings she'd make my favorite (incredibly unhealthy) breakfast- chocolate toast. i have the most vivid memory of a Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band cassette in our car, and listening to it on the way to school- i'll never forget hearing Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds for the first time on one of those mornings. i loved it instantly.

my mom is strong.
she survived losing both of her parents before she was 21 years old. she survived breast cancer. she survived a divorce. and through all of it, she has somehow managed to still be the most optimistic person that i've ever met. i wish i'd gotten that trait from her, as it's something that i greatly lack. her strength is unparalleled. she could truly handle anything.

i went with my mom to get her first tattoo about 2 years ago of a seahorse, which reminds her of her father. since then, she's had more tattoo appointments than 99% of my friends. she has beautiful and extremely significant tattoos dedicated to her father, her mother, covering her cancer scars, her love for the beach... she does nothing recklessly- everything has meaning. my mom turned 60 last year, and no one EVER believes it because she looks so incredible. the mere fact that my mother decided to start covering her body in tattoos when she was nearly 60 years old shows so much about her character: she is confident and and she stays true to herself.

some of my mom's tattoos / our vacation last year to the caribbean- me, my mom, and my sister erin

i can only hope that i will evolve to be HALF of the woman that my mother is. she has been there for me every second of every day, and i will never be able to thank her enough for that. i think she knows how much i respect her and love her... but in case she doesn't, she'll be reading this at some point tomorrow, so:

happy mother's day, mom. you are amazing. i love you.