Beast Son Dong Woon

Son Dong Won is a vocalist and rapper of Korean Boy Band Beast. Son Dong Won is the youngest member of the group, thought he tallest member.

Beast Son Dong Woon

Son Dong Woon was a trainee from JYP Entertainment and was the last member to join BEAST and is also the maknae (youngest) of the group.

Beast Son Dong Woon

Son Dong Won Ethnicity

Son Dong Won face looks like a mix between Thailand and Korean, like 2PM's Nichkhun. But actually, Son Dong Won is full Korean. Both of his parents are full Korean, he gets his unique look from his mothers side.

Beast Son Dong Woon

Son Dong Woon and 2AM’s Jin Woon graduate

It’s a big day for these three idols – they are finally tying the ends to their high school years today (In contrast to the European system where the school year ends around June, Korea’s school year ends around March). The proud stars, or rather the graduates of 2010, are BEAST & 2AM’s maknaes, Son Dong Woon and Jin Woon, and also Younha (yes, she’s graduating high school)!

Beast Son Dong Woon

Son Dong Woon attended his graduation ceremony with BEAST members on the 4th at 10 AM KST at Seoul Hanyoung High School. He will focus on his activities for this year and will be applying for college next year.

Beast Son Dong Woon

Son Dong Woon Father

Father of Beast's maknae Dongwoon recently spoke out about about his son becoming an idol as well as Jaebum's incident with netizens that occurred four months ago.

Dongwoon's father, Son Illak, who is a professor of international manners for hotel adminstration at Cheongju University, recently wrote an article in A House Full of Happiness magazine regarding Jaebum's situation and giving his son some advice.

Beast Son Dong Woon

In his article, titled "Tolerance of 2PM's Jaebum", he writes in a letter style giving words of encouragement to his son as well as his own views about Jaebum's incident.

In his letter, he states:

As I further observed this case, I began to become skeptical at the understanding and generosity of this nation. How could we expect a young adult that has barely grown out of his teen years to be of perfect morality and ethics? What kind of nation is Korea if we cannot forgive a mistake he made in his own personal moment of immaturity and hardship? I think I have a general idea of who these people are, the people that so cruelly threw rocks at him instead of helping him up in his time of need. They're probably goody two shoes that have never once made a mistake in their lives. And if, by chance, some of them did make mistakes, then they are truly an unforgivable person.

Beast Son Dong Woon

I believe that the keyword of this generation is tolerance. To accept and respect those with a different opinion from your own and to tolerate an international generation. I hope that the netizens of our nation will learn to tolerate without discrimination and prejudice."

Professor Son ended his letter with words of encourgemnt and some advice for his son:

Son! The career that you have chosen is a lot like living in a glass bowl as a fish. It's a sad life in which you are always being watched and scrutinized. But, this is your dream! Be courteous in your every word and action. And if you ever meet someone that has fallen, never throw rocks at them. I truly hope that Jaebum will return to 2PM and something like this will never happen again. I dream for this nation to mature into a tolerant nation.

Beast Son Dong Woon

Son Dong Woon Profile

Name : 손동운 (Son Dong woon)
DOB: June 6, 1991
Nickname: Sonseuko, 16 D
Education: High School hanyoung
Specialty: Piano and traditional chinese
Height: 181cm
Weight: 64kg
Blood Type: A
Hobbies: lyrics writing and reading
Info: Long-time JYPE trainee. Teased jokingly by fans for looking Thai, especially around 2PM’s Nichkhun, who is said to look more Korean than Son Dong Woon.

Son Dong Woon Photos :

Beast Son Dong Woon

Beast Son Dong Woon

Beast Son Dong Woon

Beast Son Dong Woon

Beast Son Dong Woon

Watch Son Dong Woon and 4Minute So Hyun Video here