I love handbags especially when I can find ones that match black and white wardrobe. Very rare to find a handbag that incorporates both colors so when I find some that do I squeal in excitement. Now when the handbag is black and white with a lot of room then I might scream even louder, since I tend to carry a lot of junk in my bag.

The Rebecca Minkoff Canvas Morning After Bag in Trompe l’oeil is the perfect bag for me. First and foremost, I’m obsessed with art and it kind of looks like a piece of art. The bag literally looks like someone painted or stitched it together to make it look like one of Rebecca Minkoff’s more expensive Morning After Bags. A Morning After Bag typically has a zipper compartment featured in front of the bag and more golden hardware on it.

What I love about Rebecca Minkoff’s Morning After Bags is that no matter what they look like, they are iconic timeless pieces. I currently own one and it’s the type of bag that I use all year long. It never goes out of style and is incredibly durable. Whether you get one that’s canvas, nylon or leather they are definitely bags that are made to last forever.
Such a great bag to own, especially when it’s a little on the artsy side like this one! A+!
You can purchase the Rebecca Minkoff Canvas Morning After Bag at Shop Bop for $165! Talk about a steal!
See the Rebecca Minkoff Canvas Morning After Bag at: Shop Bop