PARIS day 4

Here are my pics from my last day in Paris (until Fashion Week that is :).
Like I told you, it was incredibly cold and the over layering was completely necessary.
Did some sight seeing and souvenir shopping, ate LOTS of pain au chocolat, drank a lot of tea, day dreamt a lot about the day when I finally move here and complained A LOT about about my stupid camera bag, yes, the ugly one with the grey strap.
I need to find a descent looking, or even better, super cool looking bag for my SLR canon camera, something I don't mind carrying while I am strolling down the Tuileries in Paris, during fashion week.
Please, if you know where to find cool SLR Camera bags, let me know, I would really, really appreciate it!
P.S- I just uploaded more items to StyleScrapbook's SHOP :)
Estas son las fotos de mi ultimo día en Paris ( ¡¡¡pero regreso en 2 semanas para Fashion Week!!!)
Como les había dicho, estaba helando en Paris así que el ponerme 3 capas de ropa era completamente necesario.
Anduve turisteando todo el dia, comprando souvenirs, comiendo muchos pain au chocolat, tomando te como si fuera el fin del mundo, soñando despierta en el dia en el que viva en Paris y quejandome de la espantosa bolsa de mi camara SLR, si, la horrible de la correa gris.
¿¿Alguien sabe donde puedo comprar una bolsa para mi cámara Canon un poquito mas Fashion?? Me he cansado de buscar y no he encontrado así que si alguien sabe, PLEASE HELP!

My tickets to Paris have arrived and its suddenly becoming more real.
I still can't believe I am going to Paris Fashion Week, because not only I am completely obsessed with the city but Im also insane about Fashion.
Next tuesday Im off, yet again and its crazy to think that I just came back from Paris 2 weeks ago, but this time its different, its FASHION WEEK, did I mention in Paris?
Ok, maybe I am getting too excited and overwhelmed by it all, but how can I not?
Stay tuned during the whole of next week, because there will exciting things coming! Don't miss my reports live from Paris.....did I mention I am crazy excited, nervous, grateful and unbelievably happy, not to mention completely clueless about what I am going to wear....I have the weekend to figure that out, I hope I choose wisely.
P.S- Paris, dont miss me, because Im coming back!!!!